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Robert Iolini


For two decades, I’ve been crafting a diverse body of work that defies easy categorization. As a filmmaker, radio producer, composer, and artist, I find myself drawn to the intriguing intersections where these disciplines meet, always with an eye toward exploring the beauty inherent in art and humanity.

These days, I’m primarily focused on narrative filmmaking, driven by an optimism about human potential and a desire to reflect this through my work. My current project is the ART e FACTs Film Series, a collection of speculative, philosophical films blending drama, mystery, and sci-fi. The films tackle complex problems, exploring how creativity can reshape society and challenge authority. Our first film, ART e FACT, was released this year.

In 2015, I established Studio Syncandi Kyoto, a boutique digital platform dedicated to producing and distributing content for my ongoing transmedia art narrative, I IN THE 22ND CENTURY (i22). This project imagines an alternative future that invites audiences to reconsider our present realities through multiple creative lenses.

My projects have consistently traversed multiple mediums, exemplified by works like The Hong Kong Agent—a project that exists simultaneously as a feature film, gallery installation, radio play, online interactive experience, and augmented reality piece. This cross-disciplinary approach reflects my ongoing exploration of the human condition and our collective potential—an ambitious endeavour, but one I find endlessly fascinating and deeply rewarding.

My radio productions, including the award-winning Hong Kong: City in Between (recognized at the Amsterdam Soundscapes (be)for(e) 2000 festival), feature multi-layered storytelling that blends spoken and sung voices.

As a composer, I’ve created works spanning from chamber ensembles to experimental electronic pieces, with two solo albums released through the British avant-garde label ReR Megacorp.

For ten years, I served as musical director for Big hART, Australia’s foremost arts and social development organization—an experience that reinforced my belief in art’s capacity for meaningful social impact.

I hold a Master of Arts degree in advanced composition from Macquarie University in Sydney, where my research focused on Simultaneity in Music—an academic interest that continues to inform my creative practice across all media.

Thank you for visiting my site. If you’re curious to learn more about specific projects or potential collaborations, I welcome you to explore the portfolio sections or reach out directly. – Robert Iolini

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